Increase DBS Vickers Cash Trading Account Limits
Increase your DBS Vickers cash trading account limits by furnishing us with your latest income documents.
Part of: Guides > Your Guide to DBS Vickers Online Trading Account
Ways to increase your cash trading account limits
There are various channels which you may Increase DBS Vickers Cash Trading Account Limits with us. The most convenient method would be via digibank mobile.
Transfer in funds
- DBS Multi-Currency Account is linked
- Transfer in funds to your linked DBS Multi-currency account and your buying power will increase.
- DBS Multi-Currency Account is not linked
- If you are on EPS – perform EPS lum sum payment to your DBS Vickers account.
- If you are on GIRO or no payment facility – perform a bill payment to DBS-VICKERS SECURITIES and indicate your DBS Vickers trading account number under the Bill Reference.
Request for a credit review
Provide one or more of the following documents:
Alternatively, if you are serviced by Equity Service Centre, email to [email protected] indicating your DBS Vickers Online Trading Account Number.
- Latest Income Tax Notice of Assessment;
- Latest Payslip (not more than 1 month);
- Recent CDP Holdings Statement (not more than 3 months - CDP account number and date must be visible);
- Recent CPF Investment Statement from your Agent Bank (not more than 3 months);
- Latest Bank Statements showing available balance (not more than 1 month - bank account number and date must be visible).
Alternatively, if you are serviced by Equity Service Centre, email to [email protected] indicating your DBS Vickers Online Trading Account Number.
Check if you are eligible for a temporary increase
- Call Investment service Centre to request a temporary increase (6327 2288 press option 1). OR
- If you are serviced by Equity Service Centre, call 6398 6830.
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