Mapletree logistics Trust (“MLT”) announced the acquisition of a portfolio of logistics properties located in Malaysia and Vietnam from sponsor for a total agreed property value of S$226.3m (S$234.0m post transaction cost). The properties are estimated at c.2.0% discount to valuations and at the acquisition price, implies an initial net property income (“NPI”) yield of 6.2%. The assets are multi-tenanted with an in-place occupancy rate of 96% and a weighted average lease expiry of 1.8 years. Funding of the deal is expected to be a mix of debt and proceeds from recent divestments, implying lesser need for equity. Overall gearing will inch higher towards c.39.6% (from 38.8%), within management comfortable level of c.40%.
Our view
The acquisition of a portfolio of modern logistics properties further pivots MLT to benefit from the robust demand for logistics properties within ASEAN with demand from 3PLs in Malaysia (5.7% yield) and Vietnam (7.5% yield) on the back of a broader China + 1 pivot strategy from multi-national companies and also growing demand within the domestic markets. While MLT is not intending to tap the equity market - though we have preferred that they do, the strategy to recycle capital and optimise returns will be seen positively by investors. That said, a post deal gearing of c.39.6% and in anticipation of slight adjustment in asset values come year-end valuations in March’24, implies that the REIT is at its optimal capital structure, meaning that further debt-funded growth will likely to be more selective from now onwards. This acquisition is expected to be accretive to DPU by c.0.5%. Our estimates are unchanged for now , TP S$1.88 maintained. BUY!
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