Trade Services
Trade transactions made simple and seamless
Trade Services
Trade transactions made simple and seamless
Learn how you can improve working capital with digital trade finance solutions here.
Growing your business in Asia should be simple and seamless. Lean on DBS’ range of award-winning trade services and digital solutions to support you.
Unlock funds trapped in your inventory or receivables to regulate your cashflow. Consider import and export invoice financing for your purchases and receivables, or leverage our banker’s guarantee and accounts receivable purchase solution.
Tap on our digital corporate banking platform, DBS IDEAL, to view all your trade transactions on one dashboard. Apply and approve all your trade bills in just one click.
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Our customised products and financing solutions will help cater to your import needs |
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Global Finance
The World’s Best Trade Provider
Global Finance
The World's Best Supply Chain Finance Provider
The Asset
Treasury, Trade, Sustainable Supply Chain and Risk Management Awards
Global Finance
The World’s Best Trade Provider
Global Finance
The World's Best Supply Chain Finance Provider
The Asset
Treasury, Trade, Sustainable Supply Chain and Risk Management Awards
DBS Bank participating in Trade Finance Registry
To enhance lending practices and improve transparency to mitigate risks, The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) has launched the industry utility - Trade Finance Registry (TFR) to tackle duplicate financing amongst banks in Singapore and to strengthen Singapore’s resiliency as a trade and financial hub.
Participating banks are required to submit a query of the underlying trade for eligible transactions through TFR. TFR is owned by ABS and records specified data points from trade transactions and supporting documents as defined by ABS and the industry to facilitate the participating banks’ due diligence checks.
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