Electronic Banker’s Guarantee Programme Banner


Experience faster processing with pre-approved templates


Experience faster processing with pre-approved templates

At a Glance

eGuarantee@Gov is an industry-wide electronic Banker's Guarantee (eGuarantee) programme which will help businesses reduce paperwork and skip branch visits for faster Banker's Guarantee(BG) issuance.

The eGuarantee programme now supports a total of 82 beneficiaries. The list of beneficiaries can be found here.


Attractive cost savings

Paperless and contactless

Quick turnaround time

Easy, efficient, integrated

How it works

How to apply

             *Formats are available on eguarantee.gov.sg

Take advantage of this programme today!

With access to DBS IDEAL?*


Without access to DBS IDEAL?


Apply via DBS IDEAL

*You must have a DBS IDEAL Login and access to submit trade transactions

For customers without BG facility

Apply via Online BG

For customers with BG facility

Apply here