
SME Working Capital Loan

SME Working Capital Loan

At a Glance

Expand your operations or fund an upcoming business with SME Working Capital Loan.

Best rates

High loan amount with competitive rates


Flexible repayment period

Stretch your repayment period of up to 5 years

Convenient to apply

Save time by retrieving your details via my info anytime, anywhere

Loan amount Up to S$300,000 per Borrower
Up to S$5,000,000 per Borrower Group*
Loan tenor Up to 5 years
Collateral Nil

*Borrower Group consists of the following:

  1. Borrower; and
  2. Corporate shareholders holding more than 50% at all levels up; and.
  3. Subsidiaries where the Applicant company holds more than 50% shareholdings and subsequent subsidiaries at all levels down
  4. Subsidiaries where the Applicant’s Ultimate Parent Company holds more than 50% down shareholdings and its subsidiaries at all levels

Your business must:

  • be registered and operating in Singapore with at least 30% local shareholdings (Singaporeans or Permanent Residents) and
  • have an annual group sales below S$100 million or
  • have a group employment size of fewer than 200^

^ Annual sales turnover and employment size will be computed on a group basis (i.e. All levels up for corporate shareholders holding > 50% of total shareholding of the applicant company and any subsequent corporate parents, and subsidiaries all levels down)

How much can I borrow?

You may borrow up to S$300,000 per Borrower / up to $5,000,000 per Borrower Group for up to 5 years

How will I know if my application has been approved?

When you apply online, you can track the status of application in real time.