Application for ESG Ready Programme​

Navigate change together and be ESG Ready!

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DBS ESG Ready Programme

As sustainability becomes increasingly important, businesses need to adapt to face the challenges and seize the opportunities of the green economy.

DBS is empowering small and medium enterprises to embark on their sustainability journey by providing comprehensive support, guiding them towards ESG readiness. This programme aims to provide SMEs with essential elements to integrate sustainability into their businesses – from foundational knowledge, solutions to financing and certification.

ESG Ready Programme benefits

  • Tailored roadmap
    o    Have programme milestones set according to your goals
  • Account management and mentorship
    o    Have a dedicated manager guide & see through your progress
  • Events & resources
    o    Receive curated event invites and articles to keep you informed
  • Investor & stakeholder engagement
    o    Get equipped with the skillsets to engage your stakeholders
  • Business transformation
    o    Get support to implement the latest tools and solutions to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of your business

Receive 70% of eligible activity fees supported by Enterprise Singapore.


Application for ESG Ready Programme​

Your Application Details​

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You can find out your registered UEN from ACRA here.

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I warrant that I have the power and authority to represent and submit this application on behalf of the business entity set out in the “BRN (UEN)”, and confirm that I have read, fully understood and accept the DBS x Skillsfuture Partnership.

I fully understood and accept the Terms and Conditions and DBS Privacy Policy relating to the collection, processing, use of personal data.