Make Real-Time SGD Fund Transfer with Fast Payment
- Day to Day
- Payments
- FAST Payment
FAST Payment
24/7 near real time SGD funds transfer
- Day to Day
- Payments
- FAST Payment
FAST Payment
24/7 near real time SGD funds transfer
At a Glance
Make instant Singapore dollar (SGD) interbank funds transfer any time, any day

Save time
Your beneficiary will receive the funds within 5 minutes

Simple and secure SGD funds transfer of up to S$200,000

Real-time alerts
Pay any time via DBS IDEAL and receive alerts on your payment status
How to Apply
Speak to your Relationship Manager.
Call us at 1800 222 2200 for more information.
Not a DBS SME Banking customer?
Apply online now. Enjoy free DBS IDEAL access and fee waivers. T&Cs apply.
What information do I need to make a FAST payment? | |
You’ll need your:
Do I have to pay to use FAST? | |
Yes, please refer to the Pricing Guide. |
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