Simplifying Inventory Management and Online Sales

Learn how children’s clothing brand Chateau de Sable is exploring visual search technology and an advanced inventory management to remain competitive.


"There are two challenging areas in our business: one is inventory management and costly warehousing, the other is drawing in the crowd to our stores online and offline. We need a customisable and affordable one-stop solution for this." - Ms Stephanie Lemaire, Founder

Children's clothing brand Chateau de Sable would like to implement and maximise its sales by using a customisable and affordable inventory management that suits our needs.

To help Chateau de Sable manage its inventory effectively without resorting to complex and expensive off-the-shelf solutions, Malaysia's StoreHub provided Chateau de Sable with an iPad-based Point-of-Sales (POS) system that was easy to use and cost-effective.

"Our solution is simple to use and has a beautiful interface. Very few customers ask for training because they can figure out how to use it very quickly," said StoreHub's founder Fong Wai Hong.

Meanwhile, local tech startup ViSenze used its visual search technology solutions to create a customised mobile app for Chateau de Sable that allowed users to search for items based on what they looked like. This capability augmented the in-store experience and aimed to drive sales at the brand's five outlets in Singapore.

"If you like a dress you find in the catalogue, you can search for similar images. It is a powerful way to capture their inspiration," said Rajroshan Sawhney, Technical Account Manager at ViSenze, Singapore.

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