The Bay Area Series - Hack a Million in Asia

Missed out on The Bay Area Series, or simply need a refresher? Check out the full video recording of Ernestine Fu's Hack a Million in Asia talk at the inaugural series.



Heralded as Silicon Valley's youngest Venture Capitalist, 23-year old Ernestine Fu has graced the cover of Forbes and co-created the social location app HelloWorld during a 24-hour hackathon - which she sold for an undisclosed seven-figure sum within a matter of months. 

Ernestine, a Senior Associate at US-based Venture Capital firm Alsop Louie Partners says that Asia is ‘light years' ahead of Silicon Valley and that the region should aim to build its own unique ecosystem. 

In Singapore for the first time, Ernestine engaged a packed auditorium of 260 and shared her exclusive insights at the inaugural The Bay Area Series - an enigmatic line-up of seminars featuring some of the brightest and most elusive minds in the entrepreneurial world - brought to you by DBS BusinessClass.

Nominate the business heavyweight you'll like to see speaking at the next Bay Area Series on the DBS BusinessClass App.

About Ernestine
ernestine fu

Ernestine Fu is Silicon Valley's youngest venture capitalist and a DBS BusinessClass advisor. She joined VC firm Alsop Louie Partners as a 20-year-old associate in March 2011, and in August of that year, the then-Stanford undergrad made the cover of Forbes. She built and sold a start-up for a seven figure sum in just two months.

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