
Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions Governing DBS Promotion for Funds Transfer-in (“Promotion”)

Participation in the Promotion constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

  1. The Promotion period is from 1 January 2025 to 30 June 2025 (“Promotion Period”).
  2. The Promotion is open to all clients of DBS and POSB (“Client”).
  3. To qualify for the Promotion, a Client must transfer-in a minimum of S$100,000 of Qualifying Funds into the Retail Investment Account/ Multi-Currency Settlement Account during the Promotion Period.
  4. Clients who qualify for the Promotion are entitled to receive cash rewards which will be credited to the Multi-Currency Settlement Account by 30 September 2025, on the basis of the cumulative transfer-in of Qualifying Funds as per the table below
    Cash RewardQualifying Funds to transferred-in
    S$ 80S$ 100,000 to S$ 199,999 or its foreign currency equivalent
    S$ 200S$ 200,000 to S$ 499,999 or its foreign currency equivalent
    S$ 500S$ 500,000 to S$ 999,999 or its foreign currency equivalent
    S$ 1,000S$ 1,000,000 to S$ 1,499,999 or its foreign currency equivalent
    S$ 1,500S$ 1,500,000 or greater, or its foreign currency equivalent
  5. Each eligible Client is entitled to only one (1) Reward capped at S$ 1,500 in cash credit at any time regardless of the amount of Qualifying Funds that is transferred into DBS / POSB account (so long as such transfer meets the minimum amount stated in clause 3). In the case of joint account holders, only one (1) Reward will be awarded.
  6. The cash reward will be in SGD and not in the currency of Fund transferred-in.
  7. Client must maintain an active Multi-Currency Settlement Account in which the Funds have been transferred. For non-wealth management Client i.e. clients that do not belong to DBS Treasures, Treasures Private client and Private banking, an active savings account will be required to credit the cash reward.
  8. The Funds holding transferred-in must be Cash held Fund. Funds held with CPF/ SRS monies is not eligible for the promotion.
  9. Exchange Traded Funds are not a part of the Promotion.
  10. Qualifying Fund is defined as DBS Bank approved share classes of a Fund for the specific client segment. Non-qualifying share classes of a Fund is not eligible for the Promotion.
  11. Funds must be transferred-in from outside DBS / POSB Bank. Any transfer within the same or different accounts inside DBS / POSB are not eligible for the Promotion.
  12. If the transferred-in Qualifying Funds is not maintained in the Multi-Currency Settlement Account with DBS / POSB for a minimum holding period of two (2) months from the date on which the fund is transferred-in and DBS has awarded the rewards to the eligible Client, DBS shall be entitled to recover the amount of the rewards by debiting such sum from any other account / Multi-Currency Settlement Account that the eligible Client maintains with DBS/POSB Bank
  13. DBS shall not be liable in any way to any party for any loss or damage or expenses arising in connection with the Promotion, howsoever arising, including without limitation, from any late or non-notification, any error in computing chances, any technical, hardware or software breakdown, malfunction or defects, failed, delayed or incorrect transactions, lost or unavailable network connections or any notice that is lost or misdirected.
  14. These Terms and Conditions shall be read in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions Governing Accounts, Terms & Conditions Governing Investment in Funds, and the Terms and Conditions Governing Electronic Services and the DBS Privacy Policy, which are available on DBS’ website at In the event of any inconsistency, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail insofar as they apply to the Promotion.
  15. DBS will have the final decision on all matters regarding the Promotions.
  16. DBS may change these terms or suspend/terminate any of the Promotions without giving notice.
  17. The Client consents to DBS’ collection and use of the Client’s personal data and the use and disclosure of the Client’s personal data by/to third parties for the purpose of the promotions. The Client agrees to the terms of the DBS Privacy Policy, a copy which can be found at

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