Where would you enjoy a free stay at a hotel?
1-night complimentary stay at Accor hotels
From staycations to vacations, enjoy a complimentary night stay at an Accor hotel of your choice. Plus, get 10% off the best available public room rate with Members' Rate, along with up to 50% savings on exclusive Red Hot Room offers and more.
Where would you dine on a Friday evening?
Indulge your taste buds with Accor Plus
Satisfy your cravings with your Accor Plus membership. Unlock exclusive savings at over 1,400 restaurants across 20 countries in Asia Pacific.
Unlock exclusive savings
From local delights to Michelin stars, enjoy up to 50% off food across participating Accor hotel restaurants in Asia Pacific and 15% off drinks in Asia.
Double dip on savings
Earn up to 2.2% cashback on overseas dining and up to 1.5% cashback on local dining.
Activate your Accor Plus Explorer membership now.
How would you bask in your rewards?
Your rewards, your way
Earn miles or cashback from your purchases in the form of DBS Points.
DBS Points are awarded for every S$5 spent. 1 DBS Point earns you 2 miles or S$0.02 cashback.
Local spend (in SGD)
| • 1.5 miles for every S$1 spent, or • 1.5% cashback |
![](/iwov-resources/media/images/icon-images/shopping/dbs-cart.png) Overseas spend
| • 2.2 miles for every S$1 equivalent spent, or • 2.2% cashback |
![](/iwov-resources/media/images/icon-images/shopping/dbs-car.png) Fuel spend
| Up to 19% savings at Esso stations
Breakdown: • 5% off on fuel spend • 5% if you have Esso Smiles Card • 9% if you get Supreme+ fuel • 8% if you choose all other fuel grade |
How would you enjoy free lounge access?
Unleash the world of airport lounges
Get 10 complimentary visits to over 1,700 airport lounges and travel experiences worldwide. Use all 10 passes for yourself or share the luxury with up to 9 guests. Your membership is valid for 12 months upon registration.