The latest investment analysis on Schlumberger
Group Research - Equities23 Sep 2024
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Company Overview
Schlumberger N.V. (SLB) is the largest oilfield services (OFS) company globally. SLB operates through four segments: 1) Well Construction (30-40% of Adj. EBITDA with ~22% Pretax Operating Margin); 2) Digital & Integration (20-30% EBITDA share with ~32% margin); 3) Reservoir Performance (15-20% share with ~20% margin); and 4) Production Systems (15-20% share with 13% margin). In terms of geographical presence, Middle East & Asia is the largest market by revenue (~35%), followed by Europe/CIS/Africa (~25%), North America (~20%) and Latin America (~20%).

Investment Overview
Enjoys wide economic moat. SLB is strongly positioned in key energy markets such as gas in the Middle East and Asia, deepwater exploration and digital integration solutions, that will continue to grow, with robust clientele base, which includes major national oil companies like Saudi Aramco and Petrobras. SLB stands to benefit from oil majors ramping up production, and potentially receiving a boost from lower interest rates. Its leadership in the production space is further strengthened with the acquisition of ChampionX – a world-class production chemicals and artificial lift technologies provider – in April 2024, which will expand its presence in the less cyclical and growing production and recovery space that aligns well with its returns-focused, capital-light strategy. 

Buoyant oilfield activities; leading decarbonisation and digitalisation technologies for energy industry. While North America (~20% of SLB’s revenue) drilling activities have been slower in 2024, international markets remain buoyant, supported by relatively high oil prices above USD70/bbl. Over the longer term. global oilfield services market is expected to grow at 3-4% CAGR through 2030, This is driven by increasing production and exploration activities, rapid growth in shale gas development and increasing demand for improved oil recovery. Moreover, there is also rising investment in digital transformation for energy industry driven by Cloud, AI and Edge technology, to optimise processes as well as improve safety and data analysis. 

Target 14-15% growth in Adj EBITDA with margin above 25% for 2024. SLB remains focused on revenue quality and is poised to continue delivering margin expansion (14th consecutive quarter of y/y pretax margin expansions in 2Q24) in 2024 and 2025. It has set ambitious targets, aiming to return USD3bn to shareholders in 2024 through a balanced mix of buybacks and dividends (>5% return yield), and increasing that figure to USD4bn in 2025. Guidance for 2025 could be exceeded with earnings accretive acquisition of ChampionX, which will provide significant synergy potential (~USD400m within first few years) internationally and offshore.

Initiate with BUY and TP USD64.50. SLB is currently trading at undemanding forward EV/EBITDA ratio of 6.3x, at ~2.7SD below its 5-year mean. The c.35% decline in share price over the past 1-year reflects the weakened oil price outlook and global economic concerns. Given that oil price will likely average above USD70/bbl next 2-years, coupled with rate cut, which remain supportive for O&G investment trends, the price correction might be a good opportunity for investors to pick up SLB. Our TP is based on forward EV/EBITDA ratio of 9.5x, in line with its 5-year mean.

Unfavourable global economic and rapid acceleration of electrification affect O&G demand; Unexpected oil price collapse delaying investment decisions and/or slowing down O&G activities of oil majors.


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