‘T-bill & Chill’? Invest smarter.


Enjoy zero fees when you set up a regular savings plan with digiPortfolio! Terms and Conditions apply. Find out more.

How to invest?

Step 1: Tap on the Invest now button above and login to digibank.

Step 2: Choose SaveUp Portfolio to proceed with your purchase.


Enjoy zero fees for 6 months when you set up a regular savings plan on DBS CIO Liquid+! Terms and Conditions apply. Find out more.

How to invest?

Step 1: Tap on the Invest now button above and login to digibank.

Step 2: Under Invest Using, select Cash. Under Fund House, select DBS. Click on Search.

Step 3: If you want dividends, choose Qdis-Cash. Otherwise, choose Acc.

Step 4: Pick the fund with your desired Currency.

Step 5: Key in the necessary details and click Submit to complete the purchase.

Click here for our online user guide to purchase a fund.

How to invest?

Step 1: Tap on the Invest now button above and login to digibank.

Step 2: Under Invest Using, select CPF or SRS, under Fund House, select Nikko Asset Management, under Geography/Themes, choose Low Duration and under Currency choose SGD. Click on Search.

Step 3: Two options for the fund will appear, one ending with Cash and the other with Unit. Click Buy on either one to proceed.

Step 4: Key in the necessary details and click Submit to complete the purchase.

Click here for our online user guide to purchase a fund.

How does it work?

4-year plan

10 Dec 2024

Sarah signs up for SavvyEndowment 19 (4-year plan) and paid a single premium of S$20,000.
Sarah’s policy term is from 10 Dec 2024 to 9 Dec 2028. During this period, Sarah also receives coverage for death.

Scenario 1: Sarah receives the potential total returns of 2.82% p.a.1 based on the higher illustrated investment rate of return of 3.08% p.a.1

She receives S$2,358 at the end of year 4 on top of her capital of S$20,000.



Potential yield at the end of 4 years

100% capital guaranteed3


Gains based on potential total maturity yield of 2.82% p.a.1

(S$20,000 x 102.82% p.a.1 x 102.82% p.a.1 x 102.82% p.a.1 x 102.82% p.a.1) – S$20,000 = S$2,358

(comprises S$2,230 guaranteed returns and S$128 non-guaranteed returns)


Scenario 2: Sarah receives only the guaranteed returns of 2.67% p.a.1 based on the lower illustrated investment rate of return of 2.85% p.a.1

She receives S$2,230 at the end of year 4 on top of her capital of S$20,000


Guaranteed yield at the end of 4 years

100% capital guaranteed3


Gains based on guaranteed maturity yield of 2.67% p.a.1

S$20,000 x 102.67% p.a.1 x 102.67% p.a.1 x 102.67% p.a.1 x 102.67% p.a.1) – S$20,000 = S$2,230

3-year plan

10 Dec 2024

Sarah signs up for SavvyEndowment 19 (3-year plan) and paid a single premium of S$20,000.
Sarah’s policy term is from 10 Dec 2024 to 9 Dec 2027. During this period, Sarah also receives coverage for death.

Scenario 1: Sarah receives the potential total returns of 2.73% p.a.1 based on the higher illustrated investment rate of return of 3.07% p.a.1

She receives S$1,686 at the end of year 3 on top of her capital of S$20,000.



Potential yield at the end of 3 years

100% capital guaranteed3


Gains based on potential total maturity yield of 2.73% p.a.1

(S$20,000 x 102.73% p.a.1 x 102.73% p.a.1 x 102.73% p.a.1)– S$20,000 = S$1,686

(comprises S$1,590 guaranteed returns and S$96 non-guaranteed returns)


Scenario 2: Sarah receives only the guaranteed returns of 2.58% p.a1 based on the lower illustrated investment rate of return of 2.83% p.a.1

She receives S$1,590 at the end of year 3 on top of her capital of S$20,000


Guaranteed yield at the end of 3 years

100% capital guaranteed3


Gains based on guaranteed maturity yield of 2.58% p.a.1

(S$20,000 x 102.58% p.a.1 x 102.58% p.a.1 x 102.58% p.a.1) – S$20,000 = S$1,590

How to apply

Step 1: Tap on Apply now button above.

Contact Us

For product related enquiries, you can email Manulife at [email protected]. If you are facing technical difficulties, you may explore our live chat service in DBS/POSB digibank online.

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