Scrip Dividend Scheme (SRS and CPFIS)

Opt to receive your dividends in scrip via our bank’s digiBot which is convenient, seamless and available 24/7.

Important information

  • This option is only for customers with shares held with DBS under the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) and/or Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS).
  • Under the terms and conditions of the company’s scrip dividend scheme, you may choose to receive your dividend in cash or scrip (i.e. shares).
  • No action is required if you wish to receive your dividend in cash.
  • You only need to submit your instructions if you wish to opt for dividend in scrip (i.e. to receive shares instead of cash) in full or partial and/or permanent scrip dividend.
  • Your submitted instruction will be final and irrevocable.

Opt for Scrip Dividend

If you’re ready to submit your instructions, please select the applicable links below:

Account Type Request
SRS Account Request Dividend in Scrip
for SRS
CPFIS Account Request Dividend in Scrip

FAQs for Scrip Dividend Scheme

Please check your holdings:
  • via digibank.
  • via your DBS CPF Investment Scheme and/or Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) Account Statements.
If a Scrip Dividend Scheme applies to a dividend and you are a shareholder who has purchased shares before ex-dividend date under the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) and Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS), you will receive a notification letter and/or SMS which will be mailed to the address registered with the bank. You may check the record date and timetable of key events via the company’s circular/website or the SGX-ST’s website
In response to a Scrip Dividend Scheme Payment, shareholders can do one of the following:
  • Opt for cash (default option) – you do not need to take any action.
  • Opt for Scrip (i.e. shares) – you need to submit your instructions to receive:
    • Dividend in scrip – receive shares for the current dividend being declared.
    • Permanent Scrip Dividend – receive shares permanently for current and future scrip dividends.
    • Partial Election*– receive part of your dividend in cash and part of it in shares.
  • *Please note that partial election is allowed only for some scrip dividend scheme payment events.
Please refer to the notification letter and/or SMS sent to you for the full details. Otherwise, for updates and announcements, please refer to the respective company’s website and SGX-ST’s website
Some companies allow shareholders the option to receive scrip dividends either for all or part of their shares. If partial election is allowed, you can choose to get both cash and scrip as dividends via digiBot above or in the election form sent to you.
You will get to elect to receive scrip in lieu of the cash amount of a qualifying dividend through:
  • Digital
    • You may submit your dividend payment instructions via our bank’s digiBot above.
  • Branch
    • Complete the election form enclosed in the notification letter. The completed form must be submitted at a DBS/POSB branch. More details can be found in the letter.
Please submit your instructions for each company’s scrip dividend scheme payment separately (i.e. if you are eligible for 2 scrip dividend scheme payments and wish to opt to receive your dividend in scrip, you will need to submit your instructions 2 times).
The digibot will also retrieve your total number of shares held as at book close date and guide you in submitting your dividend payment instructions.
No, your election is final and irrevocable.
Shareholders should only submit their instructions once. If there are multiple applications received, we will only act on the first instruction & any duplicate applications will be rejected. If you have already submitted your instructions online via digibot, please do not mail-in or submit your physical instruction via Branch.
Please refer to the respective deadlines for each scrip dividend scheme payment event in the notification SMS and/or letter sent to you.
Shareholders with registered addresses outside Singapore as at the record date will still receive a copy of the letter sent via ordinary mail. However, as Scrip Dividend Scheme events are time-sensitive, you may submit your dividend payment instructions via our bank’s digiBot above.
For subsequent dividends, shareholders who have made permanent elections can request to terminate their permanent scrip dividend instructions at any DBS/POSB Branch.
The shares will be credited into the shareholders’ account on the date specified when you submit your instructions via digiBot. You may check your holdings:
  • via digibank
  • via your monthly CPF Investment Scheme and/or SRS Account statement
Please note that any timeline given is indicative only and is subjected to change. For updates and announcements, please refer to the respective company’s website and SGX-ST’s website
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