Protect Yourself Overseas

Learn to protect yourself and your valuables whenever you are travelling with our useful tips.

Banking Part of: Guides > Your Guide to ATM Security


Here are some tips on how to protect yourself and your valuables, and not be an easy target of crime when overseas:

  • Be careful with your credit/debit card and keep all transaction receipts for verification. Whenever possible, use EMV chip to charge as information is encrypted.
  • Do not store your credit card details and bank account details in your phone, especially any passwords and PINs.
  • Ensure that you are connected to a secured Wi-Fi before you access any digital banking service.
  • Avoid non-bank, generic ATMs at hotels/convenience stores. Avoid using public computers to log into your email, social media, or other such accounts to prevent malware from stealing your account details.
  • If in doubt of any pop-ups or websites, block them immediately.
  • Make a local police report immediately if your phone or wallet is stolen. Contact your bank to inform them to block your stolen cards.
  • Have remote control applications like ‘Find my iPhone’ or ‘Android Loss’ installed in your phone. In case you lose your phone, you can do a clean ‘wipe’ of your phone to prevent personal data leak.
  • Avoid going to places you are totally unfamiliar with alone.

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