Cancel PayNow Profile
Deregister your PayNow profile instantly via DBS digibank or digibot.
How to deregister your PayNow profile
There are various channels which you may cancel your PayNow with us. The most convenient method would be digibank mobile.
digibank mobile
- Log in to digibank mobile with your Touch / Face ID or digibank User ID & PIN.
- Pay & Transfer and select PayNow.
- Your Profile and select the PayNow Profile you wish to deregister.
- Tap on the menu located at the top right of your screen and select Deregister.
- Once prompted, select Yes, deregister to complete the deregistration request.
digibank online
- Log in to digibank online with your User ID and PIN
- Complete the Authentication Process.
- Under Transfer, select To Mobile Number or NRIC (PayNow).
- Select Edit under My Registrations followed by Delete beside your PayNow profile.
- Verify the details and click Submit to complete the deregistration.
- Launch DBS digibank and tap Yes to proceed.
- Authenticate yourself using iBanking login or ATM Card + PIN.
- Select Deregister my PayNow.
- Select the proxy (Mobile or NRIC/FIN) which you would like to deregister your PayNow for.
- Confirm if the Mobile no. or NRIC/FIN is accurate before clicking Confirm.
- Your deregistration status will be shown on screen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I register for PayNow again after cancellation?
Yes, certainly! After cancellation, you are still able to apply for PayNow again via digibank mobile/online.
Can I still receive incoming PayNow transfer once I have cancelled?
No, you need to be registered for PayNow in order to receive funds via PayNow.
I have PayNow for my NRIC/FIN and Mobile Number. Can I cancel one and keep the other?
Yes, you may choose to cancel one and keep the other. However, we would recommend for you to maintain both for ease of receiving funds on both Proxies.
Will PayNow cancellation affect my DBS Paylah?
No, your PayNow cancellation will not affect your DBS Paylah! profile and you will still be able to use the Paylah! app as usual.
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