Deposit Account Minimum Balance Service Charge

Your deposit account will incur this service charge when your balance falls below the minimum average daily balance.

Important information

  • To avoid incurring the Service Charge, ensure that your account meets the Minimum Average Daily Balance.
  • Average Daily Balance is the total amount of daily balances in your account divided by the number of days in the month.

    • Your account has a day-end balance of $200 daily from 1 to 10 July, so total amount of daily balances for 10 days is:
      $200 x 10 Days = $2,000.
    • Your account has a day-end balance of $300 daily from 11 to 20 July, so total amount of daily balances for 10 days is:
      $300 x 10 Days = $3,000.
    • Your account has a day-end balance of $1,000 daily from 21 to 31 July, so total amount of daily balances for 11 days is:
      $1,000 x 11 Days = $11,000
    • Total amount of daily balances for 31 days in July is:
      $2,000 + $3,000 + $11,000 = $16,000
    • Average Daily Balance is therefore: $16,000 divide by 31 (number of days in the month) = $516.13

DBS Account
Account Type Minimum Average Daily Balance (MADB) Service Charge
  • DBS My Account
S$0 S$2.00 per month (for customers on hardcopy statement)
  • DBS Savings Account
    (Opened before 12 September 2011)
S$500 S$2.00 per month
  • DBS Savings Account
    (Opened from 12 September 2011)
S$1,000 S$2.00 per month
  • DBS Multiplier Account*
S$3,000 S$5.00 per month
  • DBS eMulti-Currency Autosave Account*
  • DBS Multi-Currency/eMulti-Currency Autosave Plus Account*
  • DBS eAutosave Account
  • DBS eAutosave Plus Account
  • DBS Current Account
S$3,000 S$7.50 per month
  • DBS Expatriate eMulti-Currency Autosave Account*
  • DBS Expatriate eMulti-Currency Autosave Plus Account*
  • DBS Expatriate Autosave Account
  • DBS Expatriate eAutosave Plus Account
S$5,000 S$7.50 per month

*Total SGD$ equivalent Minimum Average Daily Balance (MADB) across all currency wallets.
Account Type Minimum Average Daily Balance (MADB) Service Charge
  • POSB eSavings Account
  • POSB Everyday/eEveryday Savings Account
  • POSB Passbook Savings Account
S$500 S$2.00 per month
  • POSB Current/eCurrent Account
(Maintained in linked POSB Savings Account)
S$2.00 per month

Effective 16 June 2019, POSB Savings - SPEP Account and POSB Savings - AF have been renamed as POSB Everyday Savings Account.
DBS Treasures Month End Balance Service Charge
DBS Treasures Membership*

*Assets included for AUM computation to count towards month-end balance includes:
  • Treasures client’s Deposits
  • Investments and Insurance (Single Premium Only) based on Treasures membership
  • Assets held under Wealth Management Account (WMA) where applicable
  • Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS)
S$200,000 in Deposits &/or Investments S$50 per month charged quarterly

The service fee is calculated on a monthly basis, debited every quarter of the year.
The debiting months are January, April, July and October.
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