Fixed Deposit Premature Withdrawal

Learn how to make a premature withdrawal from your DBS Fixed Deposit Account via digibank online.

Important information

  • For premature withdrawals, an early withdrawal fee may be imposed and you may earn prorated interest based on your tenor if you withdraw your fixed deposit before maturity. (There are multiple factors that determine the early withdrawal fee for a Fixed Deposit; the fee is computed dynamically at the point of withdrawal.)
  • For SGD Fixed Deposit, you will be able to check the interest received and early withdrawal fee upon premature withdrawal will be shown during your withdrawal request via digibank.
  • The principal and interest will be renewed automatically based on the same tenor at the prevailing interest rate, unless you provide us with other instructions at least 1 working day before the maturity via digibank. (For withdrawal of Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit, please bring along NRIC/Passport to nearest full service branches.)
  • Withdrawal of SGD and/or Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit placement is not allowed on the day of maturity or 1 day before maturity date.

How to withdraw a SGD Fixed Deposit

digibank online
Step 1
Log in to digibank online with your User ID & PIN.
Step 2
Complete the Authentication Process.
Step 3
Under My Accounts, select Deposits.
Step 4
Click on the Fixed Deposit Action Button and select Fixed Deposit Premature Withdrawal.
Step 5
Select your Fixed Deposit Account and Deposit Number you wish to withdraw from.
Step 6
Your Premature Withdrawal Details will be shown. Select the Account you wish to transfer to, click Next.
Step 7
Ensure that the details are correct, and click Submit to complete your withdrawal.

More information

  • This service may be unavailable from 11.00pm to 5.00am daily, and on the last working day of the month from 8.00pm to 5.00am.
  • Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit, SRS SGD Fixed Deposit and SGD Structured Deposit accounts are not eligible for withdrawal via this service.
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