Receive a free full car valuation within 24 hours. With services that have assisted over 804,000 motorists, and a total of over S$1B worth of cars sold.
Skip the paperwork! Obtain the highest price for your car within one day from a network of 600 certified dealers.
Valuate my car
Unlock the true value of your car today! Whether you are considering selling, trade or simply looking to check its current market value, our free car valuation service has got you covered.
Redeem a S$5 supermarket voucher via the Motorist App today once you have successfully submitted a car valuation, and also enjoy a S$300 discount waiver with Motorist when you apply for a DBS car loan through Motorist!
Motorist provides you with a safe and secure way to get a valuation for your car and sell it if the price is right - all within 24 hours!
1. Visit Motorist website
Simply click on this link to visit Motorist website and submit a valuation request.
Valuate Now!
2. Redeem your free supermarket voucher via the Motorist App
Download the Motorist App through a special link that will be sent to you through WhatsApp. Upon downloading, you will receive redemption instructions from Mel, your dedicated Motorist Concierge, through the Chat tab in the app. You will also enjoy a S$300 discount waiver with Motorist when you apply for a DBS car loan through Motorist!
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