Travel Insurance Promotions & Discounts

Complimentary Travel Insurance Coverage
Key BenefitsMaximum Sum Insured Per Main Insured Person’s Policy (SGD)
Section 1: Accidental Death and Permanent DisablementUp to 100,000
Section 2: Travel Delay (SGD 50 per 6 hrs)Up to 300
Section 3: Baggage Delay (SGD 50 per 6 hrs)Up to 300
Section 4: Journey CancellationUp to 1,000
Section 6: Unauthoriszed TransactionsUp to 300
Section 7: Loss of Identification DocumentsUp to 300

Section 5: COVID-19 CoverageMaximum Sum Insured Per Main Insured Person’s Policy (SGD)
Overseas Medical Expenses (Inpatient only)Up to 500
Overseas Quarantine Benefit (SGD 100 per day)Up to 500
Overseas Hospital Confinement Benefit (SGD 100 per day, 2 days excess)Up to 500
Journey Cancellation (Within 15 days prior to departure)Up to 1,000
Journey CurtailmentUp to 200
Repatriation of Mortal RemainsUp to 1,000
Emergency Medical Evacuation & RepatriationUp to 1,000
Overseas Emergency Assistance 24-Hour HotlineAvailable