Why book with DBS Education Marketplace?

Explore attractive educational deals

Supercharge your child's term with specially curated academic classes.
Discover your child's hidden passions with a specially curated selection of enrichment classes.
Ebooks & Resources
Ebooks & Resources
Keep your child entertained with educational resources and ebooks.
Professional Certification
Professional Certification
Discover an array of courses to help you upskill and enhance your skill sets.
Executive Courses
Executive Courses
Explore executive programmes that can help you gain new skill sets for your career.
Digital Courses & Resources
Digital Courses & Resources
Gain in-demand digital skills today. Browse ebooks that will keep you company anywhere and anytime.

Stretch your dollar with these tips!

Exclusive Welcome Offer when you apply for a DBS/POSB Credit Card!
Worried about the high course fees?
Planning to pay your education fees via your DBS/POSB Savings Account?
Planning to take an education loan, but unsure what to expect?