You must take the SAQ if you have not opened a CPF investment Account or invested in the CPF Investment Scheme – Special Account before. If you have a CPFIA account, you are encouraged to take the SAQ. The SAQ is to help CPF members self-assess if they have basic financial knowledge and whether the CPFIS is suitable for them. You can access the SAQ via the CPF website after logging in with your SingPass. Under Tools > Assessment Tools > Take the CPFIS Self-Awareness Questionnaire (SAQ).
Due to high volume, the time frame to complete the inter-bank transfer process can take up to 2 weeks*.
Please ensure your CPFIS Account Number is correct and your Signature matches the one in the out-going bank’s record, otherwise your application will be rejected.
Your account transfer is successful and your account is ready for use when your account’s investible limits are updated and a notification letter will be sent to your address in the Bank’s records.
*the time frame to complete the transfer process is also dependent on response time from the outgoing bank.