DBS Vickers Online Guide

At a Glance

DBS Vickers Online Services Remain Open

As financial services are deemed as essential services, our online trading services will remain open to you. For more information, please visit MAS website or SGX website.

If you will like to open a DBS Vickers Online Trading Account, please refer here.

For your convenience, we have put together this Quick Fix Online Guide to help you to find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

We wish to highlight that increase in credit limit requests and share financing applications are not processed via our Customer Service Line or at any DBS/POSB branch. We have included the procedure for such requests below.

For more information on our trading account, please refer to our full FAQ.

Online Services

You may log in to DBS Vickers online trading platform to complete the following services online

Online Service  
Link or Update CPF/SRS Account My Account > Account Management > Update CPF / SRS account.

Note: Cut-off time is 4:30 p.m. every business day. Requests submitted after 4:30pm will be processed the next business day. It will take approximately 2 working days to complete the linkage process.

Transfer In/Withdrawal of Foreign Securities My Account > Account Management > Transfer In/Withdrawal of foreign securities.

You may update your contact number, email address, employment details and residential address.
Update Personal Details My Profile > Update Personal Details, to update your contact number, email address, employment details and residential address.

Note: For CDP linked accounts, you may update your mailing address online via CDP here or you may download the form via the link here.

Online Fund Withdrawal My Account > Account Management > Online Fund Withdrawal

This service is only applicable to clients with GIRO/EPS/Trust payment facility.

Note: For same day fund withdrawal, the cut-off time is 9:00am daily. For request submitted after 9:00am, the withdrawal will be processed on the next business day. For mail cheque and quick cheque deposit, please allow up to 3- 5 business days.

Switching of Multi Currency Account (MCA) Log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform via digibank Online.

My Account > Account Management > Switch your existing settlement account.

This service is only applicable to clients with an existing MCA account linked to the trading account.
FX Conversion For clients with MCA account linked, please log in to digibank Online.

Transfer > To My Account

For clients with GIRO/EPS/Trust payment facility, please log in to DBS Vickers online trading platform.

My Account > Account Management > FX Conversion

Note: For same day FX conversion (performed via online trading platform), the cutoff time is at 2:30pm daily. For request submitted after 2:30pm, the FX conversion will be processed on the next business day.

SIP Declaration My Account > Account Management (under Activated Products) > Make/Review SIP Declaration

Account Opening

How do I apply for a DBS Vickers Online Trading account via digiBank?

As we are temporarily closing our branch services, we strongly encourage you to apply for an Individual DBS Vickers Online Trading Account through DBS digibank online or digibank mobile.

For DBS Vickers Online account opening pre-requisites, please refer to the list of criteria here.

How long will it take for my account opening application to be processed?

As we are experiencing a high volume of account opening applications, we seek your patience and understanding that processing time is longer than usual. Once your DBS Vickers trading account is successfully opened, you will receive an email enclosed with your DBS Vickers trading account number and a separate mailer containing your log in password.

You may check on your application status here.

Incomplete forms and/or documentation may result in longer processing time. You will receive an email or call from our staff in the event of some of the following scenarios:

  1. Mismatch of name, address, date of birth or IC number on application form versus the photo of identification document provided
  2. Photo of identification document is blur or submitted in the wrong format

Password Reset

What should I do if I have forgotten or lost my User ID and/or Password?

Your User ID is the 7-digit DBS Vickers Online Account Number. You may refer to your email to retrieve your 7-digit User ID.

Alternatively, you may access DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform via digibank online using your DBS/POSB digibank credentials.

For DBS Vickers customers who are not a digibank (previously known as iBanking) user, please contact Customer Service Line at 6327 2288.

Credit Limit

How do I increase my DBS Vickers Online Account credit limit?

We seek your understanding that we are unable to increase your DBS Vickers trading limit via the Customer Service Line or at a DBS/POSB branch.

To request for an increase in your DBS Vickers trading limit, please email your supporting document(s) to info-sg@dbsvonline.com. Review of all supporting documents is required before an increase in trading limit can be granted.

  • Latest Income Tax Notice of Assessment;
  • Latest Payslip (not more than 1 month);
  • Recent CDP Holdings Statement (not more than 3 months - CDP account number and date must be visible);
  • Recent CPF Investment Statement from your Agent Bank (not more than 3 months);
  • Latest Bank Statements showing available balance (not more than 1 month - bank account number and date must be visible).

CDP Services

How do I access CDP Services?

From 6 April 2020 onwards, CDP Customer Service Centre will assist with a limited number of services on an appointment-only basis. These services include share transfer, updating of signature, estate account processing and deposit/withdrawal of share certificates. Appointment slots can be made via the CDP website here.

Majority of CDP services are accessible online and you may visit the page here for the full list of services.

How do I open a CDP Securities Account?

Customer may sign up for a CDP account online via the SGX website.

What should I do if I have received a letter from CDP in February 2020 on the closure of my inactive CDP account?

In the light of the Covid-19 situation, SGX has suspended the periodic closure of inactive CDP accounts.

The inactive CDP accounts that are closed since 21 March 2020, are those with no securities holdings and/or transactions, as well as no linkage to any brokerage trading accounts. No action is required on your part.

For the CDP accounts with existing linkage to DBS Vickers, your CDP account will remain open. Find out more via SGX website.

Trading Enquiry

How can I place a Cash Upfront Trade?

To place a Cash Upfront trade (only applicable to Buy Trades), please access DBS Vickers Trading Platform via DBS/POSB digiBank online and select “Cash Upfront” as your settlement mode during order placement.

DBS Vickers Accounts on MCA settlement (opened on or after 15 January 2018)

For Cash Upfront Buy trades, the funds in the respective traded currency needs to be available in your Multi Currency account prior to placing the buy order. The funds will be earmarked in accordance to the contract size of the trade plus charges. You will also enjoy a preferential commission rate when you settle your trades using Cash Upfront.

Note: Cash Upfront trading for MCA settlement accounts is available for all markets.

How can I place a trade using CPF/SRS funds?

You are required to link your online trading account via our trading platform. Click here for the steps to link.

Once your CPFIA / SRS is successfully linked, you will be able to select CPF / SRS as a settlement mode in the Place Order page.

Why is my trade rejected with CPF/SRS settlement?

Your trade may have been rejected by the CPF/SRS agent bank due to insufficient funds. Please contact your CPF/SRS agent bank for more information on the approval criteria.

Share Margin Financing

How do I apply for a DBS Share Financing Account?

You can apply for DBS Share Financing online or connect with our dedicated relationship managers through our website here.

Who can apply for DBS Share Financing?

This product is eligible for Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents and Foreigners (including non-residents in Singapore) age 21-75 years old. It is not available for US Tax person and residents in the European Economic Area (EEA).

How to get started

DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform

For an introduction to the Online Trading Platform, watch our video to explore how to navigate it and take advantage of all available features. Alternatively, download our Online Trading Platform user guide.

Online Trading Platform Video Download User Guide


DBS Vickers app

Trade and stay in touch with market movements while on the go! The DBS Vickers mTrading app, available on iPhone, iPad and Android phones, also comes with enhanced security features, such as 2nd Factor Authentication (2FA) and SMS one-time PIN.

Download the app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store (available for use by Singapore account holders only).

To learn how to use the DBSV mTrading app, download the user guide below.

Download User Guide


Start trading now

Already have a DBS Vickers Account? Download our app and login effortlessly using your DBS Vickers or digibank password.



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