digibank app digibank Online (Internet Banking) | 12am to 8am 9am to 10am - Insurance application for MortgageTerm Protect
Unavailable up to 11am - Deposit and Fixed Deposit account opening
- Transaction history for Deposit accounts
PayLah! | 12am to 8am |
digibank app digibank Online (Internet Banking) Public Website | 9am to 10am - Insurance application for
- CancerCare
- SavvyEndowment
- eDecreasingTerm
- eCriticalCare
- SavvySpring (II)
- TermProtect
- RetireSavvy
- ProtectFirst
ATM | 12am to 8am - All ATM Transactions (Local and Overseas)
Public Website Services using Card and PIN | 12am to 8am - Deposit account opening
- Personal Particulars Update
- Tuition fee loan application
- Credit Card, Debit Card applications (including supplementary cards)
- Cashline and Unsecured Loan application
- Mortgage Loan online application and acceptance
- Mortgage Approval-in-Principle
- Mortgage Loan Online Repricing
- Renovation Loan Online Application
- Unit Trust purchase
- Application status
- Credit card and cashline limit review
- All services using Card and PIN login
NETS Services | 12am to 8am - All NETS transactions using DBS/POSB Card
Credit/Debit Card Services | 12am to 8am - 3D-Secure Transactions
- Transaction Notifications
- Cash Withdrawal
Note: Customers can continue to perform transactions with their DBS/POSB cards, except for online card payments with 3D Secure (3DS) merchants. |
Rewards Redemption DBS Rewards Website PayLah! digibank Online (Internet Banking) | 12am to 8am - Rewards Enquiry and Redemption
- Spend & Win Promotions Registration and Enquiry