Types of eDocuments


A digital copy of your account statements detailing your transactions for the month or quarter. You can receive eStatements for:

  • DBS/POSB Consolidated Statement
  • Card accounts
  • DBS/POSB Credit Card Account (Principal Cardholders only)
  • DBS Corporate Card Account (Individual Cardholders only)
  • DBS/POSB Debit Card Account (POSB Savings Personal or Joint-alternate Account only)
  • DBS Cashline Account (except Joint-alternate Accounts)
  • Treasures Consolidated Statement
  • Wealth Management Consolidated Statement

Opt-out from eStatements?
You will receive paper-based statements via mail from the next statement cycle onwards.

Important notes
  • For Deposit accounts, eStatements are only available for accounts with monthly and quarterly statements. For accounts with ad-hoc, daily, and weekly statements, only paper-based statements will be sent.
  • No eStatements will be generated in these circumstances:
    • DBS/POSB Credit Card and Cashline accounts – if there are no transactions for the current month and no outstanding balances from the previous month
    • DBS/POSB Debit Card accounts – if there are no transactions for the current month
    • POSB Savings Accounts – if there are no transactions for the current month, with the exception of the year-end (Dec) eStatement
    • POSB MySavings accounts – if there are no transactions for the current quarter with the exception of the year-end (Dec) eStatement
  • For closed accounts, eStatements prior to account closure will still be available for viewing.
  • For Debit Card eStatements, only customers with Debit Card(s) linked to a POSB Passbook Savings Account (as the primary account) are eligible to enrol.
    • Customers with Debit Card(s) linked to any other DBS/POSB account are not eligible to enrol

A digital copy of your retail advices for your Unit Trusts and Invest-Saver investments. You can receive eAdvices for:

  • Dividends Payment
  • Subscribe/Redemption/Switch/Cancellation of Funds
  • Fund maturity
  • Fund split
  • Regular Savings Plan (RSP) – Set up, Terminate, Editing of RSP details or RSP deduction failure
  • Transfer of fund holdings
  • Fund merge

Opt-out from eAdvices?
You will receive paper-based advices via mail from the next eligible transaction onwards.

Important notes
  • Only Individual and Joint Alternate accounts are eligible for eAdvices.
  • You will still receive paper-based advices for CPF/SRS transactions, EGM/AGM/Corporate Actions Cover Letter and Change in Risk Rating letters.

Terms and Conditions Governing Electronics Statements


What is eDocuments?

eDocuments is a secure central digital repository for you to access and manage your eStatements and eAdvices all in one place.

eStatements and eAdvices are electronic versions of your statements and advices in Adobe PDF format that can be retrieved from eDocuments on digibank Mobile.

How do I enrol to receive eStatements and eAdvices in eDocuments?
Simply click here for more information on how to opt-in to eStatements and eAdvices.
How do I manage my eStatements and eAdvices notification preferences
Simply click here for more information on how to manage your notification preferences

What is Email eStatement?

Email eStatement is a soft copy of your account statement that will be emailed to your registered email address with us. 

This service is only available for non digibank customers.​

Do I have to pay for email eStatement?
This is a free service that is available for all eligible personal accounts with valid email address registered with the bank.
I am unable to view my email eStatements via my mobile phone or tablet.

The attachment is in PDF format which can be viewed using the "Adobe Reader" application. You will need to download or update the relevant software or application to use "Adobe Reader". 

How do I opt out of email eStatement?

You can only opt out by clicking on the “Opt out” link in the monthly email eStatement sent to your registered email address.

Why am I receiving email eStatement?

With effect from October 2019, eligible* personal account statement will be converted to email eStatement. With email eStatement, you can conveniently download, store and retrieve your bank’s statements in softcopy so that it is easy to retrieve at any time. This also helps to reduce paper clutter and save time needed to sort through monthly paper statements.

*Eligible statement(s) refers to the following Personal Account Statement:

  • DBS/POSB Consolidated Statement
  • Debit Card Statement
  • Treasures Consolidated Statement
  • Deposit Statement
What are the statements eligible for email eStatement?

The following personal account statements are eligible:

  • DBS/POSB Consolidated Statement
  • Debit Card Statement
  • Treasures Consolidated Statement
  • Deposit Statement
I want to receive email eStatements for my Credit Card Statement & Cashline Statement, what should I do?

This service is currently not available for Credit Card Statement & Cashline Statement.  

Can I choose to receive both physical and email eStatements?

No. Let’s be sustainable and save the environment. We encourage our customer to reduce the use of paper.

I am not a digibank customer and am interested to receive email eStatement. What can I do?

You may contact our customer service or visit the branch to enrol into email eStatement.

Will I be charged for requesting for paper statements instead of email? (Including past statements)

Yes, there will be charges applicable for retrieval of printed past documents/statements:

  • Within 1 year from today - S$20 per copy/month.
  • Between 1 to 3 years from today - S$30 per copy/month.
  • More than 3 years from today - S$50 per copy/month.
I’ve received my email eStatement from DBS eStatement – [email protected]. Is it legitimate?

Yes, this is a legitimate email from DBS

I received an email eStatement that does not belong to me. Why is this so?

Your statement attached in the email is password protected and only the authorised customer will be able to open and view the statement. If you receive an email eStatement by mistake, please call our contact centre at 1800 111 1111 immediately.

My email is not up to date. How can I update my Email Address to receive email eStatement?
You can visit go.dbs.com/sg-update-particulars and update your email address with your Card & PIN.
Can I request for the resend of my email eStatements from previous months?

No. We are unable to resend past email eStatement. If you would like to view your past statement, you will need to sign up for digibank to view and download your eStatement online. Please note that upon signing up for digibank, you will no longer receive email eStatement. Instead, you will receive an email notification to inform you that your monthly statement is ready for viewing.

What is the password format to open the Statement PDF?

Enter your password in the following format: 

Can I change my password?

No, the password is static and cannot be changed. Remember, never disclose your password to anyone. DBS will never request for it. 

What if I can't view the Statement PDF using my password?

Please ensure that you’ve updated your personal particulars (NRIC/Passport Number/Malaysian IC) with the bank.  

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