How does Mortgage Insurance help you?

It’s compulsory for all HDB owners to purchase Home Protection Scheme (HPS), which protects against the loss of your home should something unfortunate happen to you. Although it’s not compulsory, private property home owners with outstanding mortages should also consider protecting themselves with mortage insurance. Here’s what it can do:

Pays off your outstanding home loan and leaves your family debt-free
Allows you and your family to stay in current home without a change in lifestyle
Most plans waive future premiums in the event of terminal illness or total permanent disability

What are the plans available?

Home Protection Scheme (HPS)

If you own a HDB flat, you can take up Home Protection Scheme (HPS) which protects you and your family from losing your flat in the event of death, terminal illness or total permanent disability, up to age 65. HPS is a mortgage-reducing insurance that pays out an assured sum, which reduces as your home loan is being paid off.

Mortgage Reducing
Term Assurance

Similar to HPS, a Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance from private insurers would protect HDB flat owners, as well as private property owners and their immediate family members.

The sum insured and duration of such plans are closely aligned with your outstanding mortgage loan. Premiums are usually affordable and certainly worthwhile to cover what is possibly the biggest liability for most people.

Useful tip!

Don’t forget to protect your home assets with home contents insurance too.

Ask before you buy

1Is your coverage affected by any pre-existing medical conditions?
2Do you want to add on riders for coverage against accidents?
3What’s not covered under the policy?