Understand Your Risk Appetite

At a Glance

All investments contain an element of risk. The key to successful investing is in understanding and managing these risks.

It is important to consider the following risk factors when making your investment decision.

Types of risk

General market conditions

Fluctuations in currency exchange rates and interest rates

Possibility of companies defaulting or going bust

What is your risk appetite?

Generally, safer investments provide lower returns. Higher risk investment offer an opportunity for greater potential returns.

The first step to understanding risks is to determine your risk appetite. Refer to the table below to identify your risk level and corresponding returns target.

Find Unit Trusts aligned with your risk appetite

  • Use the Risk Profile filter on the Fund Search function to view Unit Trusts in each risk category. When you have selected your preferred fund, click ‘Buy Now’ to transact via digibank Online.
  • Simply visit any DBS Branch and speak to our Wealth Planning Managers. Physical copies of the Unit Trust offer documents may be obtained from the branches.
  • View the user guide for step-by-step instructions to using Funds on digibank. 

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