
Experience faster processing with pre-approved templates


Experience faster processing with pre-approved templates

At a glance

eGuarantee@Gov is an industry-wide electronic Banker's Guarantee (eGuarantee) programme, which will help businesses reduce paperwork and skip branch visits for faster Banker’s Guarantee(BG) issuance.

The eGuarantee programme now supports a total of 82 beneficiaries. The list of beneficiaries can be found here.

Attractive cost savings

Attractive cost savings

Paperless and contactless

Paperless and contactless

Quick turnaround time

Quick turnaround time

Easy, efficient, integrated

Easy, efficient, integrated

How it works

How to apply

*Formats are available on eguarantee.gov.sg


Take advantage of this programme today!

With access to DBS IDEAL?* Apply via DBS IDEAL
  *You must have a DBS IDEAL Login and access to submit trade transactions
Without access to DBS IDEAL? For customers without BG facility
Apply via Online BG
Without access to DBS IDEAL? For customers with BG facility
Apply here