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19 May 2022

ESG: Opportunities in Decarbonisation

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With the global environmental crisis worsening at an accelerated pace, we turn our focus to the transition to a low carbon economy. The field of decarbonisation, in particular, holds many opportunities.

How can I ride the decarbonisation wave?

What does this mean for your portfolio?

At the broadest level, the decarbonisation investment opportunity set can be seen in three pathways, that of renewable energy, electrification, and resource efficiency. And since the market continues to underestimate the growth potential of decarbonisation companies, we believe their valuations are still attractive.

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We like these:

Ninety One GSF Global Environment Fund

A high conviction fund that focuses on three main themes - renewable energy, electrification, and resource efficiency. These form the gateway to a low-carbon future. The fund typically holds 20-40 stocks with an individual limit of 10%.

Click here to learn more about the fund, or here to discover its investment potential.

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